Pearls,Dresses,& Tables

I hope everyone had a nice Easter


I hope everyone had a nice Easter

In Italy today the celebrate the “Pascuetta”, the little Pascua or Easter and I thought of a simple dinner.

The colours of Easter: yellow and white on the table where things that lay eggs and things that hop around gather to look at the eggs and celebrate the new life brought by the Spring.

And the celebrations, yesterday Easter Day and today’s could not be complete without some good food, and for that I appealed to my friend Serena.

The beautiful cake is a salty cheese cake with hard boiled eggs, prosciutto ham, ruccola(rocket salad)tomatoes, served as hors d’œuvre, absolutely delicious, then tomato soup Italian style and as main dish oven grilled meat with sweet peppers and egg plant cream sauce! After all this, home made lemon sherbet flavored with the famous Italian lemon liquor !!

May Spring and Easter that symbolize rebirth and new life bring PEACE in anywhere in the world where there is war, death and destruction .

First of all I love Japan, my home for many years, Japanese classical literature and arts, Noh, Kyogen, Kabuki, even Rakugo, Ikebana, Chado, architecture and everything that is “old Japan” I love animals, Nature and Ecology. Then, music, all types of dance, theater, cinema and acting。. Art in general, photography, traveling, books, antiques and history. Also I love fashion and styling, which I do for myself and sometimes for friends. Getting dressed every day is a pleasure! And now we arrive at…Table Setting,. my favorite hobby Yes, a beautiful table, can enhance a good meal or, if you are not a good cook, it can, at least, make it pleasant! I will be showing, some of my settings and perhaps my fashion styling, hoping to provide a bit of inspiration for you.