Pearls,Dresses,& Tables

Why not a cozy, light lunch?

Saturday, the weather advisory warns of gale conditions. High winds are pushing dark clouds across a grey sky, rain is near…
Lunch ! Why not a cozy, light lunch? Just a starter and a main dish, no dessert please, summer will come.
Of course a blue and yellow colour scheme; paper napkins take the role of luncheon mats, yellow rimmed dishes for both starter and main, iridescent water glass and cristal for a bit of red wine.
Yellow corn sal and pepper shakers, the small blue one accompanies them because is cute. The strange glass contraption next to them is an oil and vinegar container.
The white small dishes as well as the bamboo “boats” are to hold that delicious homemade focaccia, if you insist.
Well what about food, I have been asked.
For that I defer to my friend Serena, who teaches “homemade” cooking and who has cooking on her DNA, father chef and mother patissiere!



First of all I love Japan, my home for many years, Japanese classical literature and arts, Noh, Kyogen, Kabuki, even Rakugo, Ikebana, Chado, architecture and everything that is “old Japan” I love animals, Nature and Ecology. Then, music, all types of dance, theater, cinema and acting。. Art in general, photography, traveling, books, antiques and history. Also I love fashion and styling, which I do for myself and sometimes for friends. Getting dressed every day is a pleasure! And now we arrive at…Table Setting,. my favorite hobby Yes, a beautiful table, can enhance a good meal or, if you are not a good cook, it can, at least, make it pleasant! I will be showing, some of my settings and perhaps my fashion styling, hoping to provide a bit of inspiration for you.